Back in my photography days in Athens, my buddy Joe and I used to hop in the car on Saturdays and spend all day on photography excursions.  Literally, we would start driving in one direction, take random turns when the whim hit us, and stop to take pictures when we saw something that piqued our interest.  You never knew where we would end up.  Sometimes it was some random small town in South Carolina or Tennessee, but usually it was the middle of nowhere in Georgia.  It was awesome.  We got to see so many of the random, forgotten parts of the state and meet incredibly interesting people.  We ate great barbeque in a tiny cinder block building that held one folding table and a kitchen.  We almost got beat up by a group of guys who thought we were there to steal parts from a field of old, rusted cars that we were photographing.  We spent a day eating deep fried snickers and watching men in kilts throw logs at the Georgia Highland Games.  I ate some of the best pizza I’ve ever had in Warm Springs, GA after visiting the F.D.R. museum.

We got to see parts of the state, and parts of American life that are often overlooked by the lens of popular culture.  So I was excited when, earlier today, I discovered the Georgia Rambler episode of This American Life.  Inspired by the column that Charles Salter used to write in the AJC, nine people from the This American Life team came down to random spots in Georgia asking one question; “Who’s the most unforgettable person in this town?’  I’m happy with what they found. Click play below to enjoy it yourself.




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